About me image
I currently serve as a researcher within the BioMatter research unit at Université Libre de Bruxelles. In this capacity, my focus lies in exploring the circular economy paradigm's potential for generating high-value products from alternative carbon sources, with the ultimate aim of achieving favorable net-zero greenhouse gas outcomes. A key aspect of my work involves assessing the feasibility of scaling up these high-value products for application in the biomedical and chemical industries through rigorous process design, modeling, simulation, and techno-economic analyses.Prior to this role, I held a position as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, where my research centered on process modeling within biorefinery systems. Additionally, I gained valuable experience as a Research Fellow at the Energy Technology Unit of the University of Otago in New Zealand, where I investigated the effectiveness of biological desulfurization strategies for biofuels, employing an integrated approach involving sulfur-oxidizing bacteria sourced from sewage.
My academic background includes a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering with First Class (Nigeria), a Master of Science degree in Energy and Environmental Management with Distinction (UK), and a Ph.D. focusing on the valorization of renewable carbon resources (such as biomass and CO) obtained from New Zealand. Specializing in the integration of green chemistry and sustainable engineering, my research aims to produce bioenergy, biochemicals, and biomaterials with applications spanning chemical, industrial, and tissue engineering domains. Please visit the  publication page for more information.

Vision and mission statements
  • To execute  the circular economy model by leveraging  organic streams as sustainable carbon sources for generating biofuels, biochemicals, and biomaterials, with potential significant implications for the Biomedical and Chemical Industries. 
  • To establish a framework facilitating the transition of research endeavors into commercially viable solutions, ultimately benefiting society.